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How to Cover a Dummy Cake With Buttercream

Covering Dummy Cake with buttercream

During the initial days of my cake decorating journey, I have always used Real Cakes. My thought process at that time was decorating on Faux Cakes would not be appealing to many and plus I was always going to taste my cake after decorating lol!

It is only after starting my business that the need to work on Dummy cakes came into perspective. It is a great method for practising new Cake Design skills or to create new Cake Decorating Content for our Social Media Channels. Covering a dummy cake with buttercream is not the easiest if you don't know the exact steps. I am detailing the process I follow in the video.

Hope this helps someone here who is wrestling to cover fake cakes with buttercream! :)

Step 1

Make sure you attach the cake board with some melted chocolate. This acts as an edible glue between the cake board and the dummy, enabling you to be at peace that the cake dummy isn't going to slide off the cake.

Step 2

Dummy Cakes / Fake Cakes are extremely light and for that reason, it's a pain to keep them in place as you apply the buttercream. Put a little weight on top of the dummy to keep it in place. A can of beans is what I have used but anything would serve that purpose, you got the idea!

Step 3

Apply buttercream all around the dummy cake. There is no hard and fast rule here, just go with your instinct!

Step 4

Smooth using a palette knife or cake smoother. Be patient here. Watch the video, keeping the smoother at a right angle is key to ensuring straight edges. Our Signature buttercream recipe is magic when it comes to smoothing cakes, you can learn how to make it in our Online School.

Step 5

To Clean a dummy cake, scrape off the buttercream and run it under hot water and soap. Let it dry completely before reusing again. 

These are the 5 steps to decorating a Fake Cake with Buttercream

Hope you found this tutorial helpful :)

Do you have any questions? Write to me - [email protected]

Until next time :)

Much Love,



(Learn the Art & Make it your 'Best Selling Product')